Friday, February 25, 2011

Whitman connecting to me.

I really liked this poem because it talks about ids and how they want to be like all of the other kids. When I was younger at time I would want to be like everyone else and do what everyone else was doing but then as i grew up I realized that is not the way that I should e loking at life. When you are a child you want to blend in and not stick out like a sore thumb and you tend to compare yourself to the other children around you. I think that this poem  just explains how Whitman views children.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I think that I like writing style of the transcendentalist because they are much more positive and happy go lucky. When I am doing anything I like to look at it all in a positive way. My parents have always told me to look at the positive side. When I read the transcendentalist writings they put me in a much better mood than when I read the other type. Walden was very interesting, the quotes that Henry put in his writings were so good and somtimes they would make me think about stuff.