Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gatsby Playlist

I chose Irving Berlin: All Alone Lyrics because it reminds me of Gatsby and his love for Daisy. In the beginning he has to chase Daisy and then he always wonders what she is doing and how she is. The song says that he is "waiting for a ring" and Gatsby is just waiting for Daisy. He loves her and he wants to be there for him like he is for her. 

 I also chose Duke Ellington: It don't Mean a thing. This reminded me of Gatsby because it showed how careless he was. This song just says that life can be free and you can have fun, with things in life still being important. 

The last song I chose was Bert Kalmar: I Wanna Be Loved By You, I chose this because it shows how Tom wants Daisy. Tom knows that Daisy is in love with Gatsby but he still wants her. Tom finds ways to make Daisy upset with Gatsby, but she will always be with him.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This year has gone by so fast and I cannot believe this is the last blog. I will probably never do another blog just because I don't really have the time, but I thought that they were a lot of fun! I enjoyed writing the blogs because certain ones let me express my self, such as Having MY Say. I thought that one was very cool that we got to put our own ideas out there for you to read. I will admit that I did not always try my hardest, but for this one I am actually writing and trying to write a lot because I want you to know that this was interesting. The blog that I least enjoyed was the Gatsby play list, I am still in the process of doing that one and I am dreading it. I do not think that I learned anything from this, it simply allowed me to express myself. I think that was a fun assignment but I do not think that I would recommend it for next years juniors simply for he fact that it is time consuming and we do not have the time to do it. Thanks(:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stephen Crane

 "A Spirit Sped"
A spirit sped
Through spaces of night;
And as he sped, he called,
"God! God!"
He went through valleys
Of black death-slime,
Ever calling,
"God! God!"
Their echoes
From crevice and cavern
Mocked him:
"God! God! God!"
Fleetly into the plains of space
He went, ever calling,
"God! God!"
Eventually, then, he screamed,
Mad in denial,
"Ah, there is no God!"
A swift hand,
A sword from the sky,
Smote him,
And he was dead.
I think that this poem is saying that we need to be grateful for 
all of the things that God has and will do for us. We always want
to go to God when we are times of trouble and sometimes we forget
that we just need to give him praise. We should never deny the love
that God has for us because only bad can come out of that. That is
what I think Crane is maybe trying to say.