Tuesday, September 7, 2010

my first post(:

cheerleading is awesome!


  1. Was this picture taken after you and Hannah were at Billy's house with all of us at our cookout that we had? Maybe it was....maybe it wasn't anyway I'm glad that you learned how to use blogger with a little help from muah of course.

  2. Well Deaneth..this picture was not taken after the cookout that we had at Bills. And thank you oh so much for teaching me(:
    Isn't it sad that Rebecca isn't in this picture?!

  3. No problem fool and yes it is extremely sad that Becca isn't in this picture.

  4. i know..oh well. I'll put up another one with her in it.

  5. Do it! Do it! Do it! She has earned her spot on the team and into the hearts and minds of all of us Rockford Lutheran Cheer Squad fans so I believe she deserves the publicity....just saying.

  6. Okay okay when i get around to it probably tomorrow or so...

  7. And yes Becca did earn her spot on the squad. Dean have you ever considered tryong out for the spirit squad?
